Fluent in Spanish

Fluent in Spanish podcast is mostly based on Spanish students’ common mistakes, and all those grammar issues they struggle with when learning Spanish. Therefore, any Spanish learner can relate to the episodes included in Fluent in Spanish. In addition, some of the podcasts are about Spanish culture, and curious stories about the use of Spanish in the world. They are organized in their titles. Podcasts starting with ”B” are for Beginner Level Spanish Podcast. Starting with ”I”, Intermediate Level Spanish Podcast. With ”IA”, Intermediate-Advanced Level Spanish Podcast. And finally ”A”, Advanced Level Spanish Podcast.

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Wednesday Feb 16, 2022

A podcast for intermediate Spanish students about the meaning of these pairs of verbs. Those meanings are normally determined by the structure you choose. And these structures are very fixed. If you change a preposition, or if you don’t place it, or if you use the pronominal version of the verb, the meaning might not end up being the one you expected. I will explain it here. This is the last part of a series of four podcasts. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Thursday Jan 20, 2022

A podcast for intermediate Spanish students to learn how to use these verbs in context. They have different meanings, and this can lead to misunderstandings. Those meanings are usually determined by the structure you choose: Sometimes they will need a preposition, sometimes no. Sometimes some of them will need a pronoun, and sometimes no. This is the third part of a series of four podcasts. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Friday Jan 14, 2022

A podcast for intermediate Spanish students where we will learn how to say to meet with, and to meet up with. Students usually get confused with this topic, because there are several verbs they can use. The problem is some of them have other meanings. Therefore, we need to be sure about which one we choose, how to use it, this is the structure of the verb, and when to use it. This is the second part of a series of four podcasts. My purpose is to go over several troublesome verbs, and help you use them in context. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Monday Dec 27, 2021

A podcast for intermediate Spanish students to start with common questions students have on how to say to meet, to meet with, to meet up, and to meet up with. The answers to these questions involve several verbs. Some are pronominal and some are not. And all of them have more than one meaning. The series of four podcasts will go over all of them, starting with conocer in this first part. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021

A podcast for intermediate Spanish students with common Spanish phrases to help you rock any social situation. It is time for you to include different replies, because maybe all the way here you have been giving correct sentences, and that is great, don’t get me wrong. However, there are a variety of informal sentences you want to learn, the ones you see in movies and series. In this podcast, I will explain the contexts where to use them along with quick tips for more natural Spanish. This podcast is spoken in Spanish aimed at intermediate Spanish learners. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Friday Aug 20, 2021

A podcast for upper-intermediate-to-advanced Spanish students about how English terms are affecting our conversations. Sometimes we might adopt a word from English because it is from the technology field, “it was born in English.” For some words there is no Spanish equivalent and we just accept the English word and insert it into our language. But for others, after the Spanish word was created, people continued using the English word. We are so used to the anglicism that without it, we are lost. Let’s talk about some of those words. This podcast is spoken in Spanish aimed at intermediate-to-advanced Spanish learners. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021

A podcast for beginner and intermediate Spanish students. What do you do with the accents from the different series or movies you are watching in Spanish? Are you getting confused because they are from different Spanish-speaking countries? Do you know which Spanish is the one they are teaching you in the app you are using in your cellphone? It is better to learn different accents at the same time? When should you start to listen to different accents? I will be solving all these questions in this podcast. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021

A podcast for Advanced Spanish students to understand and practice how to say no in Spanish without mentioning that word. Native speakers use phrases, and specific intonation to express disagreement in Spanish which is difficult to understand if you don't have this information. I am giving you a list of them, and I am pronouncing them with the correct intonation so you can practice with them. Also, you will find out which ones are used in formal contexts, and which ones in informal ones. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Sunday Apr 04, 2021

I am sure you wonder why you are stuck at your Spanish level, and how to take your Spanish to the next level. In this podcast, I will be talking about how important is to overcome your fear of speaking Spanish, and how to get out of that place where you are, making these common Spanish mistakes English speakers make. And not only native English speakers, any English speaker frequently makes them. Part 2 of 2. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation

Sunday Mar 14, 2021

I am sure you wonder why you are stuck at your Spanish level, and how to take your Spanish to the next level. In this podcast, I will be talking about how important is to overcome your fear of speaking Spanish, and how to get out of that place where you are, making these common Spanish mistakes English speakers make. And not only native English speakers, any English speaker frequently makes them. Part 1 of 2. Visit www.fluentinspanish.org for the Spanish transcription and English translation


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